Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Have you ever had one of those days?

You know the ones... It seems like everything goes wrong, everyone is in a bad mood, and the washer overflows (or maybe the dog does, we've had both!)

We all have them. As Job says, "Man is born for trouble as sparks fly upward." Those are good days to do some extra praying, keep your "To do" list short, and have an extra cup of tea (or coffee, and maybe chocolate too!).

Realize that your children will have them too. Be gentle when your child is struggling, trying but not quite able to grasp that math concept or new letter sound. Granted that you will have to distinguish between disobedience or rebellion and genuine struggle. But in the case of genuine difficulty, an extra hug, smile, and encouraging word will pay off in your relationship long after that math concept or letter sound is mastered and the struggle forgotten.

It's easy to forget that we have been forgiven and given grace by our Parent in heaven, not only for the times of genuine struggle, but even for the days our hearts are rebellious. Remembering that can help us see our own children with an eternal perspective.


  1. What an encouraging post! Yes, we all have "one of those days" every now and then. This is a good reminder.

  2. Cathy, your post just brings peace to my heart. Thank you!
